The Development of Electronic Prototypes for Increasing the Academic Productivity

  • César Manuel Hernández Mendoza Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Juan Pablo Serrano Rubio Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Luz María Rodríguez Vidal Tecnológico Nacional de México


From the design and development of five electronic prototypes and 29 products derived from them, related to the areas of computer systems engineering (mathematics, programming, networks, telecommunications, and the Internet of things, among others), quantitative and qualitative data were obtained on the influence of the spiral development model and collaborative work on academic productivity. Among the results, it was found that the generated electronic prototypes, which can be operated wirelessly or be automated, encourage and promote research in areas of science to continue with higher level studies, specialization or postgraduate studies. Likewise, the prototypes contribute to generating an environment of trust in which the collaborating student feels safe to contribute their opinions and valued for their knowledge and experiences, the student, professional growth.

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