Experiences of Motherhood in Contemporary Neoliberal Mexico: A Critical Approach

  • Anayuri Güemes Cruz Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


This research sought to expose and analyze some of the implications that the neoliberal economic-political and ideological system generated in the exercise of motherhood in Mexico. Some of the hidden contradictions in the experience of being a mother in contemporary neoliberal Mexico were addressed and discussed. The starting point was the category of power and its discursive transformation around motherhood, as well as the position of structural disadvantage of women in society with respect to human reproduction. Therefore, being a mother in contemporary neoliberal Mexico not only has specific economic and material expressions, but also internalized and normalized discursive and ideological expressions. As the analysis of motherhood started from power relations, it was possible to find gender inequalities in maternal practice, which are hidden in discursive forms. This shows that motherhood has a strong ideological component that has managed to cover up the negative consequences that neoliberalism has generated in the lives of women. As a consequence, there is a strengthening of the biologist idea that naturalizes the relationship between women and mothers and that, under this justification and as part of motherhood, the increase in work and the multiple responsibilities associated with parenting is assumed, despite being aware of how unfair it is.

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