Strategic planning in the integration of the activity report of a Public Higher Middle Level Institution

  • Octavio Rangel Estrada Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Mayela Anita García Palmas Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Michael Esperanza Gasca Leyva Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


Administration in education has become essential for the proper functioning of the educational system, that is why there is a need to implement models, methods, techniques and administrative processes focused on improving it and being that among them is strategic planning.

The research focused on how to make more efficient the obtaining of information for the integration of the Annual Activity Report of a high school level, since it is considered that this document is the result of the work carried out in an educational institution over a certain period, in this case a year and it is also the instrument that serves to capture the way in which the educational administration has been efficient. The need to analyze the difficulty faced by the Planning Coordinator as Educational Administrator at the time of integrating the document and how the efficiency of said exercise could be improved to achieve the correct presentation of the Annual Activity Report.

The main objective was to optimize the integration of the annual activity report, through the use of strategic planning in a public Higher Middle Level Institution. The design of the Research was experimental, divided into two moments: In the first, those responsible for each area of ​​the Campus of the Preparatory School of a public IES participated, providing information for the conformation of the Annual Activity Report, with the application of a research instrument. Second, a qualitative approach, to collect information on the background of the information collection for the conformation of the annual activity report.

Among the results, it was highlighted that the two parts of the process where they are most difficult at the time of carrying it out are in the collection of information (for the areas that have sub-areas that provide them with information) as well as the collection and formatting of the information. information. It was also detected that most of the staff felt evaluated, which was perceived in their responses, which reflects a lack of security, which can be eliminated through continuous training, as well as involvement and enhancement in the importance of their contribution in the Integration of the Annual Activity Report.

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